Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Follow-up MRI

We repeated the MRI.  J complained about having to be in that noisy machine.  "I hate MRI's!!!".  Remember the steroids?  Oh, and adding the need to access his port right before this. He was not happy about this.

When we arrived, we were informed that our insurance had not yet pre-certified this exam (they apparently had a power outage and were behind).  We were given the option that we could wait until the insurance had pre-approved payment for the exam, or we could sign that if our insurance wouldn't pay for the exam, we would promise to pay all the costs (and even though the insurance will only pay about 20% of the costs, we would have to pay 100% of the costs).  Since this is more J's story, I'll spare you the tirade about how insurance has created a "medical bubble" of over inflated costs, and that the cost setting practices are ridiculous.  By the time they were ready to begin J's scan, the pre-certification was approved, so we didn't have to worry about it.  

J hopped onto the bed without difficulty.  He is pretty particular about things, like where he wants blankets to be tucked, and precisely where he wants the television goggles to be placed.  Once he was perfectly arranged, he was good.  He had to itch his nose a couple times, but otherwise he did great.  Mom sat in the MRI room with him.  I sat at the control desk to watch the images as they came off the scanner.

Excellent response!!  The masses had all significantly shrunk.  The largest in the pelvis was mostly fluid, instead of solid mass (means that all the cancer cells are dying).  This was after receiving a "baby dose" of chemotherapy.  We celebrated by getting pizza (J's request).


  1. Yay! I'm glad he's responding well already! Thank you for sharing such informative updates!

  2. Agree with Emily. Yay, and thank you. So many prayers! AND a HUGE hello from Max who is deeply concerned and praying for his friend!
