Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Brief Update and One of Many Thank-Yous

Tomorrow is finally surgery.  Wahoo!  This surgery is for work on the kidney stones that have been sitting quietly waiting for this moment.  Right now J has a stent in his ureter connecting the kidney to the bladder.  When people have pain from kidney stones, it is usually when the stones leave the safe reservoir of the kidney collecting system and travel the narrow tube to the bladder, the ureter.  A stent opens the passageway so that the ureter can't get blocked.  Tomorrow they will take out the stent, put a small scope in the ureter and try and pull out any stones that are still lurking.  They may leave a smaller stent that has an easy removal system.  This should be pretty straight forward, but J may try to change that.

There have been many people who have shown great support throughout this journey.  I know there are many people who follow this blog, some that I don't even realize.  Our gratitude to all those who have given us support will never adequately be expressed, but we would like to express our gratitude with one of the best ways we know:  BBQ.  It will be held June 5 (sorry if it's after June 5 when you are reading this, or if you don't live close enough to enjoy).  Click this link and let us know you are coming.

If the link doesn't provide an obvious way for you to add your name, you can either get me your e-mail or leave a comment that you are planning on coming.

1 comment:

  1. We've been following you along on this journey. What a scary thing, but I'm glad things seem to be looking up! We wish you the very best as you move forward. (And man, we wish we could attend your bbq!)
    Love, the Jacobsens
