Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

J's energy is improving.  His mouth is getting a little better and he has uttered some words.  His color is improving.  Looks like we are coming out of the pit.  Nice to have a season of peace.  Nice to have a moment for some reflection.

When we are facing the troubles of life, there are things that enable us to cope with those problems.  Some things can be a strength and we can come through the difficulty with valuable lessons and unanticipated new strengths, while some can be destructive and reduce us to nothing.  On this Easter Sunday I just want to affirm my faith in the risen Lord Jesus Christ and share what a great blessing it has been in my life and especially during these last weeks.  

Faith in Jesus Christ has provided a paradigm for me to understand the difficulties I face in my life.  Having confidence that there will be life beyond this life has removed the sting of death.  Even with J facing this problem, there have been moments where his mortality was very apparent and where life could have easily taken a turn for the worse.  I won't say that I have not had worry and concern in these situations, but I also have not been paralyzed by dread.  My faith in Christ helps provide the motivation to continue through the journey, even when there are bad outcomes. 

Faith in Christ has also helped me to have hope that in spite bad things in life, there is room for peace and joy.  I can have peace during this journey through chemotherapy and the lymphoma and all the side effects.  That peace comes from trusting that in the end, things will happen according to God's will, and that I can understand all things.  I can have peace when I realize that I have not behaved as well as a I ought to, but that I have a chance to change. Seeing all the goodness others have done for my family has also taught me ways that I may better serve others when they are in need.  

 I know that there are other things that provide powerful coping strength for people, and I don't want to suggest my way is the only way, but it has been a positive, uplifting, powerful strength and I am grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ and the resurrected Lord who has overcome death.  Regardless of when our exit from life occurs, the victory over death is obtained.

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