Friday, March 13, 2015

Brief Update

The labs were repeated and remained low.  He received one unit of blood and we'll see how it looks tomorrow.  His oncologist feels he has been through so much already that he is not surprised to see some variations in the labs.

We met a new player in the healthcare team today: the physical therapist.  J utterly refused.  His first response was, I'm not moving unless my parents are here.  I was there in 5 minutes (I'm bouncing between work and sitting with him).  Poor kid, he had a headache and he felt like he might throw-up. Physical therapy is one of those things that you don't want to wait until somebody feels up to it, because every day of therapy lost sets you back farther in your physical condition.  They wanted him to get out of bed and sit in the chair.  He refused.  They asked him to sit at the edge of the bed.  He refused.  They asked if he could roll to his side.  He refused.  (All the refusal came with re-stating how much pain he was in).  The physical therapist finally said that she would find his nurse to see if there was anything he could take for nausea.  While she was gone, he threw up.  Ironically, the best position for him while he was throwing up was on his side.  That's how we left him.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm a bully.

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