Thursday, March 12, 2015

Surgery Again

We were lucky and had the first case of the day.  Returned to pre-op at 6:15 in the morning.  Third time hanging out in pre-op in four weeks.  Too many times in my opinion.  He had a bit of headache, and it is so noisy with 30-40 patients, all with beeping monitors and a team of about 5-6 people each.  He disappeared into his own world watching The Sandlot ("You're killing me Smalls") until they were ready to wheel him away.  They took him back about the time that I normally start work, and Mom had an appointment she needed to keep, so I went to work and waited, wondering if we would score on the very small chance that the entire incision could be closed, or if we would only be part way done, and plan on another surgery in a few more days.

It wasn't long before the surgeon came in to give the report.  Infection was washed out and the whole incision was closed!!  It was nice to get good news.  The catheter was out of his bladder (which had been distressing to J).  There wasn't even any bad news to come with this.  I didn't know how to respond.  Wanted to dance a jig.

OK, there was actually a bit of bad news.  We would have to wait until his bowels wake up from surgery before he is allowed anything by mouth.  Poor J.  Here are some of his quotes about water (I wish I could perfectly capture the defeated whimper he says this in, but he won't let me video him):

I'm going to sleep until they allow me to drink water.

(After hearing a child in the PACU crying "Momma").  That boy wants his momma the way I want water.

Why isn't the surgeon here to let me have water.

I just want water!!

I tried to play him some Marty Robbins "Cool Water".  He didn't think that was very funny.  You decide.  Here's a link.

He's now watching TV and complaining about not having water.  We are so much better than we were a week ago at this time.  A lot of stress has been lifted.  Now time to get on a diet and get home.  Until the next cycle of chemo begins...

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