Sunday, March 15, 2015

Turning a Corner?

Yesterday J was out of bed in a chair for several hours.  He also walked around the end of the bed.  He would probably try to walk further if he didn't have an IV pole, IV lines, and two drains to drag behind him.  He hates having things tug at his body.  We also backed way off his narcotics.  He was getting a continuous rate of morphine for pain, plus he could click a button to give additional morphine.  The continuous rate was shut off and he is only occasionally pressing his button since that time. 

This morning he had to hurry out of bed, hobble to the bathroom (with assistance from one hovering parent) and have his first bowel movement.  Cause for celebration!!  He had one of his two drains pulled (he really didn't like that, I thought it would slide out without only odd sensation, but it hurt a little).  The other drain really hasn't drained much, and will likely get pulled out tomorrow.  He is on a clear diet without the restriction on the amount he can take.  If he can start getting some calories by mouth, we can get rid of the TPN, and the need for some peripheral IVs.  They are no longer checking his blood counts daily.  Moving a long.  Moving along.  OK, he did throw up this morning after drinking a small amount of water, so he's not going to totally bounce back to normal. With any luck, we''ll be home before it's time to start chemotherapy again.

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