Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Four Weeks

Yep, four weeks.  That's how long it has been.  Four weeks ago at this time I was trying to sleep on an uncomfortable couch (not realizing it folds out into an equally uncomfortable bed) wondering what this mass would be.  Wondering what the biopsy would show.  Wondering when they would get him for surgery.

Over the last 28 days, we have:

Spent 18 nights in the hospital (but somehow I don't think J has eaten a single meal from the hospital)
Had anesthesia 3 times (two surgeries and a drainage)
Had sedation 3 times  (3 spinal taps)
Had four family members treated for influenza (two confirmed cases, two suspected)
Treated everyone else to prevent influenza
Had 2 MRIs, 1 PET scan, 1 CT scan, 1 echocardiogram, and several x-rays
Received hundreds of cards, well wishes, love, and support from family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and quite a few strangers.

We now know how long it takes for Emla cream to work.
We now know how they access a MediPort
We now know how scary an infection can be when the body has no ability to fight it
We now know that J seems to like to present a new medical experience for his doctors every step of the way.
Mom now knows how to inject medications into the skin
We now know how long it takes to identify bacteria that are growing in the blood.
We now know that getting TPN for nutrition does not prevent hunger pangs
We now know that preventing mouth sores is far better than treating them
We know the frustration of trying to encourage someone to eat while they keep losing weight.
We know how awful steroids can be

It's been a month of lessons.  A lot of waiting.  A few scary moments.  Lots of gratitude for all the kindness that has been shown and for the great blessing we have in modern medicine.

Tomorrow we go back to the operating room.  They will wash out his belly.  We will see how much of the incision they will close (they suggested it may take two separate surgeries.

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